Netezza COPY Command Syntax and Examples

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  • Post last modified:February 27, 2018
  • Post category:Netezza
  • Reading time:3 mins read

The Netezza COPY command moves data between IBM Netezza tables and standard file system files, sometimes to standard output.

Netezza COPY Command

Use the COPY command with a file name to read directly from or write to a file. The nzload command is much faster and stable compared to COPY command. Netezza always recommends using nzload instead of COPY command.

Netezza does not recommend using the COPY command. For load/unload operations use the nzload command or CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE commands. These commands are faster and more stable than the COPY command. There is no COPY command in SQL 92.


Netezza COPY Command Syntax

Syntax for input coming from a client application:

COPY [BINARY] table FROM { 'file name' | stdin } [ [USING] DELIMITERS 'delimiter' ] [ WITH NULL AS 'null string' ];

Syntax for output going to a client application:

COPY table TO { 'file name' | stdout } [ [USING] DELIMITERS 'delimiter' ] [ WITH NULL AS 'null string' ];

Netezza COPY Command Syntax Options

Below are the some of the opotions that are used along with the COPY command:

Option Description
BINARY Changes the behavior of field formatting. Forces all data to be stored or

read in binary format rather than text.

delimiter Specifies the character that separates fields within each row of the file.
file name Specifies the absolute path name of the input or output file.
null string The string that represents a NULL value. The default is “\N”.
stdin Specifies that input comes from the client application.
stdout Specifies that output goes to the client application.
table Specifies the name of an existing table.

Netezza COPY Command Examples

UseCOPY Command to load data from stdin

Below is the examples to load data from stdin:

Enter data to be copied followed by a newline. 
End with a backslash and a period on a line by itself. 
>> 1,'abc' 
>> 2,'bcd' 
>> 3,'def' 
>> \.

TRAINING.ADMIN(ADMIN)=> select * from tab1; 
 COL1 | COL2 
 1 | 'abc' 
 3 | 'def' 
 2 | 'bcd' 
(3 rows) 
Netezza COPY Command to load data from file

Below is the command to load table from file:

TRAINING.ADMIN(ADMIN)=> COPY tab1 FROM '/export/home/nz/test.dat' USING DELIMITERS ','; 
Netezza COPY Command to unload data to file
TRAINING.ADMIN(ADMIN)=> COPY tab1 TO '/export/home/nz/test.out' USING DELIMITERS ',';