Snowflake scripting allows you to write procedural code within the Snowflake scripting block. In this article, we will check how to use blocks in a Snowflake scripting.

Blocks in Snowflake Scripting
Block in a Snowflake scripting is defined by a keywords such as DECLARE, BEGIN, EXCEPTION and END. You usually write your procedural code into different part.
Structure of Block in a Snowflake Scripting
Snowflake scripting block has the following basic structure:
... variable declarations, ...
... cursor declarations, etc ...
... Snowflake Scripting and SQL statements ...
... statements for handling exceptions ...
- DECLARE: Allows you to declare variables, cursor, etc. Snowflake scripting also allows you to declare variables in the
You can declare;
- Variables
- Cursors
- Resulsets
- Exceptions
And declare block is optional in Snowflake scripting.
- BEGIN and END: This blocks allows you to write SQL statements and Snowflake Scripting constructs such as branching and looping structures. You can also declare variables in this section.
- EXCEPTION: This block allows you to handle exceptions if any. Similar to
block is optional.
Types of Blocks in Snowflake Scripting
Snowflake support following blocks in scripting.
Blocks in a Snowflake Stored Procedure
Stored procedure encapsulates the business logic and can handle far more complex logics such as branching and looping, returning results, error handling, writing dynamic SQL statements, etc.
The Snowflake scripting stored procedure is a collection of blocks such as DECLARE, BEGIN, EXCEPTION and END.
The following is an example that uses various blocks.
create or replace procedure proc_area()
returns float
language sql
radius float;
area_of_circle float;
radius := 3;
area_of_circle := pi() * radius * radius;
return area_of_circle;
when other then
return object_construct('Error type', 'Other error',
'SQLCODE', sqlcode,
'SQLERRM', sqlerrm,
'SQLSTATE', sqlstate);
call proc_area();
Anonymous Blocks in Snowflake Script
An anonymous block is a block which defined outside stored procedure. If you don’t want to store the block in a stored procedure, you can define and use an anonymous block. It allows you to define the block as a separate, standalone SQL statement.
The following is an example of an anonymous block
radius_of_circle float;
area_of_circle float;
radius_of_circle := 3;
area_of_circle := pi() * radius_of_circle * radius_of_circle;
return area_of_circle;
when other then
return object_construct('Error type', 'Other error',
'SQLCODE', sqlcode,
'SQLERRM', sqlerrm,
'SQLSTATE', sqlstate);
The BEGIN and END block that defines the block will also executes the block. You don’t have to call separate CALL statement to execute this block.
Related Articles,
- Snowflake Control Structures – IF, DO, WHILE, FOR
- Snowflake Scripting Cursor Syntax and Examples
- Rows Affected by Last Snowflake SQL Query – Example
Hope this helps 🙂