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Commonly used General Hbase Shell Commands

Hbase is installed on the top of the Hadoop and it uses the Hadoop file system only. Just like other Bigdata framework such as Hive, Pig etc, Hbase provides interactive shell. You can also use the Java API to interact with Hbase. In this article, we will check some commonly used general Hbase shell commands. Commonly used General Hbase Shell Commands In HBase, interactive shell mode is used to interact with HBase for table operations, table management, and data modeling. We will check out the general Hbase shell commands. There…

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Drop HBase Tables using shell Commands and Examples

The set of HBase basic operations are referred to as CRUD operations. i.e. create, read, update, delete/drop operations. The HBase drop command is used to drop or delete table from HBase. In this article, we will check drop HBase tables using shell commands and some commonly used examples. Drop HBase Tables using shell Commands In order to drop or delete the table present in HBase, first we have to disable it using ‘disable <table name>’ command. There are two commands available to drop or delete HBase tables: ‘drop’ and ‘drop_all’.…

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Alter HBase Table using shell command and Examples

You may have to modify properties of the existing table to add more column families or to modify the table attributes. HBase has ‘alter’ command’. In this article, we will check alter HBase table using shell command with some common examples to alter HBase table. Alter HBase Table using shell command This command alters the column family schema. You can use the HBase Alter shell command used to make changes to an existing table. Using this command, you can change the table properties or attributes such as set version, set…

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HBase Delete Row using HBase shell Command and Examples

The set of HBase basic operations are referred to as CRUD operations. i.e. create, read, update, delete operations. HBase delete operation is nothing but delete command in HBase shell. The delete command is used to delete data from HBase tables. In this article, we will check HBase delete row using HBase shell command and some examples. HBase Delete Row using HBase shell Command HBase shell delete command will delete cell value at defined table of row or column in the HBase table. You can even delete the entire row of…

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Insert data using HBase shell put Command and Examples

The set of HBase basic operations are referred to as CRUD operations. i.e. create, read, update, delete operations. HBase Create operation is nothing but put command. The put command is used to insert the data into HBase tables. In this article, we will check how to insert data using HBase shell put command. In this article, we have concentrated only on shell commands. Consider the below table that we are going to create in HBase for ‘Insert data using HBase shell put command’ implementation. Read: Create Tables using HBase Shell…

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Read HBase Table using HBase shell get Command and Examples

The set of HBase basic operations are referred to as CRUD operations. i.e. create, read, update, delete operations. HBase read operation is nothing but get command in HBase shell. The get command is used to read the data from HBase tables. In this article, we will check how to read HBase table using HBase shell get command. Read HBase Table using HBase shell get Command By using HBase shell get command, you will get a row or cell contents present in the table. In addition to that you can also…

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Create Tables using HBase Shell and Examples

HBase tables are way different compared to the relational database tables. HBase organizes all data into tables. Table names are Strings and composed of characters that are easy and safe for use in a file system path. In this article, we will check create tables using HBase shell commands and examples. We will create the sample tables will couple of columns and insert some sample values to verify the tables. Create Tables using HBase Shell You can create a table using the create command in HBase, table name and the Column Family…

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HBase Architecture and its Components

HBase is an open-source, distributed key value data store, column-oriented database running on top of HDFS. HBase Architecture has high write throughput and low latency random read performance. Facebook uses HBase: Leading social media Facebook uses the HBase for its messenger service. Facebook has customised the HBase as HydraBase to meet their requirements to integrate SMS, chat, email and Facebook Messages into one inbox. Apart from messenger, HBase is used in production by other Facebook services, including internal monitoring system, Nearby Friends feature, search indexing, streaming data analysis, and data…

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Hadoop and Netezza Comparison – Netezza vs Hadoop

Hadoop and Netezza are basically used with the Bigdata i.e. huge volume of the data. Netezza is used for analytics purpose i.e. OLAP application and Hadoop is used in batch processing. In this article, we will check Hadoop and Netezza Comparison - Netezza vs Hadoop. These two systems have their own advantages and disadvantages. We will try to compare the features and difference between Hadoop and Netezza. Read: Netezza and Redshift Comparison - Netezza vs Redshift Hadoop Features Following are some of the feature on Hadoop ecosystem: In the Hadoop ecosystem…

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Cloudera Impala Performance Tuning Best Practices

When it comes to SQL-on-Hadoop, there are handful frameworks available in market. Hive and Impala are most widely used to build data warehouse on the Hadoop framework. In this article, i will explain you on Cloudera Impala performance tuning best practices. When it comes to SQL-on-Hadoop, there are number of choices available in tools, file formats, schema design, and configurations. Making good design choices when you start is the best way to avoid some of the common mistakes later on. Cloudera Impala Performance Tuning Best Practices Following sections explain you…

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