Details about Netezza

Generate Netezza View DDL using nz_ddl_view

If you are working as a Netezza admin or developer then you may be asked to get DDL or definition of all views available in the particular database. You may have to generate view DDL when you are performing the reverse engineering too. In this article, we will discuss on how to generate Netezza view DDL using nz_ddl_view. Generate Netezza View DDL using nz_ddl_view If you are looking for the tool or script to generate the Netezza DDL or definition, then it might be your lucky day. IBM has provided script…

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Run Netezza SQL Script File using nzsql Variable Substitution

Netezza allows the variable substitution using -v option in Netezza nzsql queries. The variable substitution is very important when you are calling the Netezza nzsql scripts from shell or any other scripting language. You can pass the values to query that you are calling using -v option. In this article, we will see how to run Netezza nzsql script file using nzsql variable substitution. We also see some of the working examples that uses the Netezza variable substitution method. Run Netezza SQL Script File using nzsql Variable Substitution You can set…

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Netezza Conversion Functions and Examples

Netezza supports various conversion functions. Below are some of commonly used Netezza conversion functions. These functions uses common calling functions i.e. the first argument is the value to be formatted, and the second argument is a template that defines the output or input format. Read: nzsql command and its Usage Netezza Analytics Functions and Examples Explicit and implicit Netezza Type Casting With Examples Netezza Data Functions and Examples How to Resolve Netezza SPU Swap Partition Error Netezza Cast Function You can convert any data type to other using Netezza cast…

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Netezza DECODE Function Syntax and Examples

Netezza supports the DECODE function and it is similar to DECODE function in other relational databases such as Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, Redshift etc. You can use the Netezza DECODE function to implement if-then-else statement in Netezza nzsql. This command is a short-hand form of Netezza CASE function. Netezza DECODE Function Syntax DECODE (expr, expr_val1, ’expr_rep1’, expr_val2, ’expr_rep2’, expr_val3, ’expr_rep3’, ’else-expr’) ; Execution Flow: If 'expr' is equal to expr_val1 then ’expr_rep1’ is returned, if 'expr' is equal to 'expr_val2' then ’expr_rep2’ is return, if 'expr' is equal to 'expr_val3'…

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Netezza NVL and NVL2 Functions with Examples

Netezza supports NVL and NVL2 functions. Netezza NVL Function The NVL function replaces a NULL value with a replacement string that you provide in the function. Returns the first argument if it is not null, otherwise it returns the second argument The Netezza NVL function is equivalent to the Netezza SQL coalesce function. The Function will return the non-NULL value. Note that, You cannot replace the blank value using NVL function. Some databases supports this nut Netezza does not. Syntax: NVL (exp,replacement-exp); Returns 'exp' if not null otherwise 'replacement-exp' is…

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Netezza SQL Identifiers

A Netezza SQL identifier is the name of a Netezza database object such as a table, column, user, group, user-defined object, and database names. Netezza supports the SQL 1999 definition for naming identifiers, and they can be up to 128 bytes in length. Read: Netezza SQL command and its usage Netezza Create user command and its Usage IBM Netezza Alter user command and its Usage Netezza Create, Drop, Rename Database Commands and Examples Netezza SQL Identifiers There are two types of Netezza SQL identifiers: regular and delimited. Netezza SQL Regular…

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Netezza Create, Drop, Rename Database Commands and Examples

Using Netezza SQL, you can create, drop, rename and change the database owners. These are some important commands you should know if you are working as a Netezza database administrator. In this article, we will check Netezza create, drop, rename database commands and some of examples. Read: Netezza SQL Identifiers Netezza Create Database Command You can use CREATE DATABASE command to create new database in Netezza system: system(admin)=> CREATE DATABASE newdb; CREATE DATABASE Database names can be up to a maximum length of 128 bytes, system displays an error message if…

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How to Resolve Netezza too many Concurrent Sessions issue?

If you are working on the Netezza with the heavy load on it then you might have seen the Netezza too many concurrent sessions issue when you try to connect to the Netezza system. You may get this issue while connecting to Netezza from Aginity workbench or from Putty. In this article, we will see how to resolve Netezza too many concurrent session issue. Check Netezza too many Concurrent Sessions issue To verify the concurrent sessions follow below steps: Login to Netezza either from Putty or from Aginity Workbench and…

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How to Find Netezza Table Size?

There are two ways to identify the size of table in Netezza. One, query the Netezza system tables and get the table size. Second, use the Netezza admin tool to check table size. In this article, we will discuss on how to find Netezza table size using Netezza nzsql and Netezza admin tools. More Readings: Netezza system tables and views Netezza nzsql command and its usage How to install Aginity workbench for Netezza? How to Find Netezza Table Size? When you create a table in Netezza using nzsql, the table…

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Netezza Derived Tables and Examples

In the real world scenario, you may derive the some column from base table and instead of creating temporary table you may use that derived query in FROM clause of the SQL statement. These types of queries are called derived tables. In this article,we will check on the Netezza derived tables.  Netezza Derived Tables A derived table is basically a subquery which is always in the FROM clause of a SQL query Statements. The reason it is called a derived table is because it essentially functions as a table as far as the entire query…

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