Details about Netezza

Netezza Update Join Syntax – Update using other Table

Every application that require the data; data storage is very much important. In the digital world, we use databases (in fact tables) to store information. Data is collected over the time and it may or may not be accurate. In some cases you may want to update the table based on the data available in other table over same or other database on same server. In this article, we have explained the Netezza Update Join Syntax and example on how to update using Data in other Table. Read: How Netezza…

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Netezza Organize On Syntax and Examples

The Netezza Organize on is one of important feature introduced in the Netezza data warehouse appliance. With the help of Organize on keys, you can create the clustered base tables (CBT). You can specify up to four columns in organize on key. Read: Cluster Based Tables - CBT Netezza TwinFin Architecture IBM Netezza nzsql Command and its Usage Netezza ALTER TABLE Command Netezza Organize On Keys IBM Netezza Organizing keys are useful for the more frequently used columns that you specify as keys are used in query predicates, alone or in…

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Netezza nzstats Command and Usage

The Netezza nzstats command allows you to view sets of related operational information that is, statistics on the tables. These sets are organised as groups of related statistics or tables that contain rows of related statistics. The statics are very much important in Netezza appliances. System uses the up-to-date stat information to plan and execute the queries. Netezza appliance works better if the system catalog tables have up-to-date stats. Displaying System Statistics using Netezza nzstats Command The Netezza nzstats command displays operational statistics about system capacity, system faults, and system…

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Netezza nzsql Windows System Exit Codes

In this article, Netezza nzsql Windows system exit codes are discussed. These exit codes are very much important when you are building ETL/ELT operation or executing nzsql commands on windows systems. From a Windows system command prompt, the exit codes from the nzsql command provide information about the execution status of the SQL commands. Read: Netezza nzsql exit codes for Unix/Linux Systems Netezza nzsql commands and is Usage Netezza SET ON_ERROR_STOP and Examples Netezza nzsql Windows System Exit Codes When you are running queries interactively at the nzsql prompt or…

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Netezza nzsql Exit Codes for UNIX/Linux Systems

In this article, Netezza nzsql exit codes are discussed. These exit codes are very much important when you are building ETL/ELT operation using shell scripts. On UNIX/Linux systems such as the NPS, the Netezza nzsql exit codes provide information about the execution status of the SQL commands. Read: Netezza nzsql Command and its Usage Netezza SET ON_ERROR_STOP and Examples Netezza nzsql Exit Codes When you are running queries interactively at the nzsql prompt or by using a script (nzsql -f), the command returns one of the following exit codes: 0:…

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Different types of Netezza Trim Functions and Examples

The Netezza TRIM functions which are available in Netezza NZSQL are used to remove specified prefix or suffix from a string. The most common pattern being removed is white spaces. Netezza support different trim function that you can be used to trim or remove the particular character or white spaces. A Netezza trim functions includes TRIM, LTRIM, and RTRIM. Read: Netezza String Functions and Examples Netezza LEFT and RIGHT Functions and Examples IBM Netezza Analytical Functions How to use Netezza Replace Function and Examples Netezza Array Functions and Examples Netezza…

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Netezza Dual Table Alternative

If you have come from the Oracle database background then you will be confusing and frustrating to find there is no Netezza dual table. In Netezza you do not need one; believe me when I am saying you do not need dual in Netezza. When you are working on MPP appliance like Netezza, you can run your SQL queries or calculations without any dummy table i.e. dual table oracle. Read: Netezza Alter Table Commands and Examples Netezza LIKE Statement and Pattern matching Examples IBM Netezza Split Delimited Fields into Table…

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Netezza LIKE Statement and Pattern matching Examples

Unlike any other database, Netezza nzsql supports the pattern matching. You can search for the string by matching particular patterns. The Netezza LIKE statement expression is most commonly used in pattern matching. The Netezza LIKE statement returns true if the string contained in the set if strings or table columns that are represented by the pattern. The Netezza NOT LIKE statement returns false if LIKE returns true and vise-versa. Read: Netezza Phonetic Matching Functions and Examples Netezza Fuzzy String search Functions and Examples Search for String Pattern in Netezza Database:…

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Netezza Array Functions and Examples

Netezza Appliance does not support the Netezza array functions without Netezza SQL Extension tool kit. You have to install the tool kit explicitly on the required data type. Read: Guide to Download and install Netezza SQL Extension Tool kit Netezza Data Types and Restrictions Netezza String Functions and Examples IBM Netezza Extract Function and its Usage Different types of Netezza Trim Functions and Examples These Netezza Array functions available in the toolkit rely on the Netezza array data type. IBM Netezza does not support the user defined data types, array…

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Netezza Split Delimited Fields into Table Records and Examples

If you are working on the large volume of different source system then you may come across the requirement of Netezza split delimited fields into table records. There are some methods those you can use as per your requirements: Netezza Split Delimited Fields using ARRAY_SPLIT function You can use the ARRAY_SPLIT function that strips off record delimiter. The Netezza array functions are available in Netezza SQL extension tool kit that you have to install explicitly on required database. Read: Netezza String Function and its Usage with Examples Netezza Array Functions…

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