Slowly changing dimensions or SCD are dimensions that changes slowly over time, rather than regular bases. In data warehouse environment, there may be a requirement to keep track of the change in dimension values and are used to report historical data at any given point of time.

We can implement slowly changing dimensions (SCD) using various approaches, such as;
- Type 0: Always retains original
- Type 1 : Keeps latest data, old data is overwritten
- Type 2 : Keeps the history of old data by adding new row
- Type 3 : Adds new attribute to store changed value
- Type 4 : Uses separate history table
- Type 6 : combination of type 1, 2 and 3
Type 0: Always retains original
The type 0 is passive method. And therefore, perform no actions on dimension changes. Values remain as they were at the time the dimension table record was first inserted, others may be overwritten.
Type 1: Keeps latest data, old data is overwritten
This method overwrites the old data, hence doesn’t keep historical data.
Consider the patient table
SK | Pat_ID | Name | Cellphone |
100 | 1 | ABC | 1234567890 |
In the above table, pat_ID is the natural key and SK is surrogate key column. Technically, SK column is not required as natural key uniquely identifies the records. Join tables using this key column and this column is unique key.
If the patient changes his/her cellphone number, overwrite the old data.
SK | Pat_ID | Name | Cellphone |
100 | 1 | ABC | 9876543210 |
One of the Type 1 method disadvantage is, there is no historical data in data warehouse. However, Type 1 maintenance is very easy and advantage is reduced the data warehouse size.
Type 2: Keeps the history of old data by adding new row
This method keeps track of historical data by adding multiple rows of given key columns in dimension table. Some SCD type 2 implementations use effective from and to date with flag indicating latest record.
SK | Pat_ID | Name | Cellphone | EFF_FR_DT | EFF_TO_DT | flag |
100 | 1 | ABC | 1234567890 | 2016-06-01 | 2016-06-10 | 0 |
100 | 1 | ABC | 9876543210 | 2016-06-10 | NULL | 1 |
Flag = 1 and EFF_TO_DT = NULL indicates current or latest tuple versions. In some implementation, data modeller uses future date (9999-12-31) as effective to date. In case if you want to track the historical records, you have to select all records which are non-null and flag = 0 values.
Adding new records in changes to the dimensional model in type 2 could be very expensive database operation so it is not recommended to use it in dimensions where a new attribute/columns could be added to table in the future.
Type 3: Adds new attribute to store changed value
This method of slowly changing dimensions keeps the limited history of the changed data in form of new column. The history preservation is limited to the number of columns designed for storing historical data. The original table structure in type 1 and 2 is same , but type 3 adds new column to store current data.
For example, in following example, add additional column to deal with cell phone number changes.
SK | Pat_ID | Name | Previous_Cellphone | Current_Cellphone |
100 | 1 | ABC | 1234567890 | 9876543210 |
The disadvantage with this method is that it keeps limited history about changed data. In above table, new columns are added to hold new and changed data i.e. current_cellphone and previous_cellphones respectively.
Type 4: Uses separate history table
Type 4 usually uses the separate table to hold history data, where as original table keeps the current data, and create other table to store the changed data. Add surrogate key to both tables to and is used in fact table to identify original and history data.
Patient table
SK | Pat_ID | Name | Cellphone |
100 | 1 | ABC | 9876543210 |
Patient History table.
SK | Pat_ID | Name | Cellphone | CRT_DT |
100 | 1 | ABC | 1234567890 | 2016-06-01 |
100 | 1 | ABC | 9876543210 | 2016-06-10 |
Type 6: Combination of type 1, 2 and 3
Finally, the Type 6 method combines the approaches of types 1, 2 and 3. Therefore, this type is called hybrid method. In this type, below are the changes to dimension table:
- Current_record – keeping the current data
- Historical_record – keeping historical or changed data
- Effective_from_date – keeping start date of record, null for new records
- Effective_to_date –keeping end of expired record
- Curr_flag – indicates current records
Attribute change are captured in this type of SCD, a new table record is added as in SCD type 2. Overwrite the old information with the new data as in type 1. And preserve history in a historical_record as in type 3.
Below is type 6 table example
Pat_ID | Name | Current_Cellphone | Historical_Cellphone | EFF_FR_DT | EFF_TO_DT | flag |
1 | ABC | 9876543210 | 2345678901 | 2015-01-01 | 2016-01-20 | 0 |
1 | ABC | 9876543210 | 1234567890 | 2016-01-21 | Null | 1 |
Hope you have enjoyed reading this post. Feel free to add comments and suggestions.
- Star Schema model in Data Warehouse
- Snowflake Schem Model in Data Warehouse
- Step by Step Guide to Dimensional Data Modeling
- Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCD) in Data Warehouse
- Rapidly Changing Dimension in Data Warehouse
- Data Warehouse Fact Constellation Schema and Design
Hope this helps 🙂