Spark SQL EXPLAIN Operator and Examples

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  • Post last modified:January 21, 2019
  • Post category:Apache Spark
  • Reading time:5 mins read

Spark SQL uses Catalyst optimizer to create optimal execution plan. Execution plan will change based on scan, join operations, join order, type of joins, sub-queries and aggregate operations. In this article, we will check Spark SQL EXPLAIN Operator and some working examples.

Spark SQL EXPLAIN Operator

Spark SQL EXPLAIN Operator

Spark SQL EXPLAIN operator provide detailed plan information about sql statement without actually running it. You can use the Spark SQL  EXPLAIN operator to display the actual execution plan that Spark execution engine will generates and uses while executing any query. You can use this execution plan to optimize your queries.

Related readingSpark SQL Performance Tuning

Spark SQL EXPLAIN operator is one of very useful operator that comes handy when you are trying to optimize the Spark SQL queries. You can use the EXPLAIN command to show a statement execution plan.

Spark SQL EXPLAIN Operator Syntax

Below is the syntax to use the EXPLAIN operator:


EXTENDED:Output information about the logical plan before and after analysis and optimization. This option generates Parsed Logical Plan, Analyzed Logical Plan, Optimized Logical Plan and Physical Plan

CODEGEN: Output the generated code for the statement, if any. Sometime codegen will throw an exception.

By default, EXPLAIN operator only outputs information about the physical plan.

Note that, Explaining 'DESCRIBE TABLE' is not supported.

Spark SQL EXPLAIN Operator Example

Below is example that explains how execution plan looks like:

> explain  select * from item;
| == Physical Plan ==
HiveTableScan [i_item_sk#82840, i_item_id#82841, i_rec_start_date#82842, i_rec_end_date#82843, i_item_desc#82844, i_current_price#82845, i_wholesale_cost#82846, i_brand_id#82847, i_brand#82848, i_class_id#82849, i_class#82850, i_category_id#82851, i_category#82852, i_manufact_id#82853, i_manufact#82854, i_size#82855, i_formulation#82856, i_color#82857, i_units#82858, i_container#82859, i_manager_id#82860, i_product_name#82861], MetastoreRelation testtdb, item  |

Understand Spark SQL EXPLAIN Plan

Below are some of the features that are available in Spark SQL plan:

Feature Name Description
Sort Number of Sort
Exchange rangepartitioning range partitioning
Project Number of select statements
SortMergeJoin Inner Joins
Exchange hashpartitioning Hash Partitioning
HashAggregate Aggregate Functions
BroadcastHashJoin Join condition in case of non co-located tables
Filter Where condition
HiveTableScan Table scan operation
MetastoreRelation Number of relations in given query
BroadcastExchange HashedRelationBroadcastMod Casting function
TakeOrderedAndProject WITH Clause feature
Scan OneRowRelation Single row query without any relation
CollectLimit Limit Clause in query
Window Analytics Fucntions
Inner Inner Join
LeftOuter left outer join
RightOuter Right outer join
CartesianProduct Cartesian or cross Join
BroadcastNestedLoopJoin Nested loop join
BroadcastExchange IdentityBroadcastMode Broadcast join
CreateTableCommand Create table
DropTableCommand Drop table command
AlterTableRenameCommand Alter table