How Netezza FPGA Works on Netezza SQL Query ?

The Netezza FPGA is a the heart of Netezza’s patented streaming architecture and is made of a result of framework of FPGA Accelerated streaming technology (FAST) engine. In this post we will see how FPGA works in Netezza SQL. In the following subsequent paragraphs we will see how FPGA works when we execute Netezza SQL query on host machine. Read: Netezza FPGA  - FAST Framework in Netezza The performance multiplying effect of the FPGA FAST engine: Control, Parse, Visibility, Project and Restrict is shown with help of small example of processing SQL query…

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Netezza FPGA – FAST Framework in Netezza

Most of the companies around the globe using Netezza data warehouse appliance to perform their near real-time, complex analytics and data warehouse needs. Netezza FPGA is important part of NPS system. NPS performance is made of a result of framework of Netezza FPGA Accelerated streaming technology (FAST) engine. This engine is just like a turbo-charger to an already powerful engine. This FAST engine what makes the Netezza a powerful server. Read: Working with Netezza Zone Maps nzload command and its Usage nzsql Command and its Usage Netezza has introduced a FAST…

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