Netezza Advanced Date Functions and Examples

Netezza Advanced Date Functions are available in Netezza SQL extensions tool kit. You have to download it from IBM fix central and install it in required database. You cannot access these functions otherwise. Read: how to download and Install Netezza SQL extensions toolkit These advanced functions are different than standard Netezza data time functions. You can read about the standard Netezza date functions from below post: Netezza Data Functions and Examples You may want to read: nzsql command and its Usage Netezza Analytics Functions and Examples IBM Netezza Conversion Functions…

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Netezza Interval Data Types and Conversion Examples

Netezza interval data types are supported in different way. Netezza accepts the interval syntax, but ignores the unit specification. All intervals are the same, and can contain values of any combination of units. Netezza server internally normalizes all intervals to units of seconds. It considers a month to be 30 days for the purposes of interval comparisons and this approximation may lead to inaccuracy. Netezza Interval Data Types Implementation IBM Netezza implements the INTERVAL data type in a different way compared to other databases. Netezza allows you to specify interval…

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Netezza Date Format and Conversions

Date data types are used to store the date and time fraction values. Netezza Date format includes four data types, and are used to store the date with time details: DATE = for year, month, day storage. TIME = for hour, minute, second, fraction with (includes 6 decimal positions). TIME WITH TIME ZONE / TIMETZ = same as TIME, also includes time zone information. TIMESTAMP = for year, month, day, hour, minute, second, fraction ( includes 6 decimal positions). Netezza Date Format Conversion Netezza can convert quoted date strings values…

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Netezza String Functions and its Usage with Examples

Netezza String Functions are used primarily for string manipulation. An IBM Netezza also supports some of the standard string function along with the PostgreSQL specific functions. Netezza String Function Usage Below is the list of Netezza String functions supported: Function Name Description ascii(s) Returns the numeric ASCII value of the first character in the text string. btrim(s) Trims spaces from both ends of the string. btrim(s,t) Trims occurrences of the characters in string t from bothe ends of string s chr(n) Returns the character with the specified ASCII value. initcap(s) Capitalizes the…

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Netezza Extract Function Usage and Examples

Netezza extract function extracts the sub field represented by units from the date/time value, interval, or duration specified for column. This function is equivalent to Netezza date_part() function. Netezza Extract Function Syntax extract(units FROM col) Netezza Extract Function Usage Below table represents the descriptions of the different units used in extract function: Unit Value Description epoch The number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00-00. The value can be positive or negative. millennium/millenniums The millennium value. century/centuries The number of full 100-year periods represented by the year. decade/decades The number of full 10-year periods represented by the…

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Netezza Date Functions and Examples

This article is about detailed descriptions and examples of the standard Netezza date functions that you can use to manipulate date columns in the Netezza SQL and Netezza stored procedure. In the real word scenarios many application manipulate the date and time data types. Date types are highly formatted and very complicated. Each date value contains the century, year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. Each RDBMS may employ different date functions, and there may also be differences in the syntax for each RDBMS even when the function call is the…

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