Netezza Stored Procedure ARRAY Variables and Examples

The ARRAY data type is a composite data value that consists of zero or more elements of a specified specific data type. Netezza nzplsql allows you to define ARRAY types along with other scalar variables. In this article, we will check Netezza stored procedure ARRAY variables, declaration and examples. Netezza Stored Procedure ARRAY Variables You can define and use VARRAY in Netezza stored procedures. You can insert values to array variables, increase array size in case if length is exceeded and remove elements from array. ARRAY variables are allowed anywhere…

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Netezza Stored Procedure Return Resultset and working Example

You can use the stored procedure to return the resultset in your applications. Typically, stored procedure returns a unique value, it can also return resultset in the form of tables. In this article, we will see Netezza Stored Procedure Return Resultset with an example. Netezza Stored Procedure Return Resultset Below are the steps you can follow to return resultset using stored procedure: Create table that you will be using as a REFTABLE. The table specified in the RETURNS value must exist at the time that the stored procedure is created,…

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Netezza RECORD Type Variable, Usage and Examples

Just like other procedural language, Netezza supports RECORD type variables. Netezza RECORD type variable are similar to row types, but they have no predefined structure associated with it. You can use the record type only inside Netezza stored procedures (SP). They are used in selections and FOR loops to hold one database row from a SELECT operation. Read about Netezza Stored Procedure here: Netezza Stored Procedure and Examples IBM Netezza Control structures and usage Netezza Stored Procedure ARRAY Variables and Examples Netezza RECORD type Variable Declaration Below is the syntax…

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Netezza Dynamic SQL Queries and Examples

There may be situation where you want to generate Netezza dynamic SQL queries inside your Netezza NZPLSQL procedures. Or, you may have procedures that  generates other procedures or CREATE TABLE or update the records form the table based on some condition. You can also set some session specific variables dynamically inside the stored procedure and execute the queries. For such situations, Netezza NZPLSQL provides the “EXECUTE IMMEDIATE” statement. You can execute the Netezza dynamic SQL queries only in stored procedures. You cannot execute the queries within Netezza block statements. Read:…

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Netezza NZPLSQL Control Structures: IF, LOOP, WHILE, FOR and EXIT

Netezza NZPLSQL control structures are a useful and important part of the NZPLSQL language. You can use Netezza NZPLSQL control structures to perform some critical decisions based on data and manipulate SQL data in a flexible and powerful way. You can use the Netezza control structures only in procedures. There are two Netezza NZPLSQL control structures: Conditional control and Iterative control Read: Working with Netezza Stored Procedure nzsession command Netezza RECORD Type Variable, Usage and Examples Netezza Conditional Control You can use the IF statement to perform particular task based…

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Working with Netezza Stored Procedures

Netezza stored procedures are used to encapsulate the business logic and same time handle the exceptions. SQL provides the power to get and update the database information on the host server, and the procedure language provides the logic for if-then-else branching and application processing on the data. Read: Netezza RECORD Type Variable, Usage and Examples Netezza Stored Procedure ARRAY Variables and Examples For example, you may want to check the table if its existed in database before dropping it. You achieve this by creating stored procedure. e.g. CALL DROP_IF_EXIST(table_name); if you…

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