Netezza Query History details using nz_query_history Table

Sometimes you may need to verify the queries that are running for a long time on production servers. There are several ways that you can perform this task. For instance, you can use Netezza administrative tool to verify long running queries. In this post, we will check how to get Netezza query history details using nz_query_history table. Netezza query history configuration steps are simple. You can follow below steps to use Netezza query history views to collect Netezza queries historical data in separate history table in optional history database. Why…

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Netezza Create View Syntax and Examples

You can use Netezza create view to create a virtual table based on the result-set of a complex SQL statement that may have multiple table joins. Just like views in other database a Netezza view contains rows and columns, just like a real table. The fields in a view are fields from one or more real tables in the database. Netezza Views are read-only. The system does not allow you an insert, update, or delete on a view. Read: Netezza Materialized Views and Examples IBM Netezza Create Tables Netezza Alter…

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