Migrating Netezza to Impala SQL Best Practices

Now a days everybody wants to migrate to Hadoop environment for their analytics that includes real-time or near real-time. In this post i will explain some best practices in Migrating Netezza to Impala SQL. Impala uses the standard SQL but still you might need to modify the source SQL when bringing specific application to Hadoop Impala due to variations in data types, built-in function and obviously Hadoop specific syntax. Even if the SQL is working correctly in Impala, you might consider rewriting it to improve performance. Read: Netezza Hadoop Connector…

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Import data using Apache Sqoop

Sqoop allows easy import of data from structured data stores such as relational databases, enterprise data warehouses, and NoSQL systems. Using Sqoop, you can provision the data from external system on to HDFS, and populate tables in Hive and HBase. Sqoop can integrates with Oozie, allowing you to schedule and automate tasks. Read: Sqoop import Relational Database Table into HBase Table Export data using Sqoop Sqoop Command with Secure Password Import Netezza Tables using Apache Sqoop Sqoop uses a connector based architecture which supports plugins that provide connectivity to new…

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