Access Netezza Database, Tools and Examples

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  • Post last modified:February 26, 2018
  • Post category:Netezza
  • Reading time:3 mins read

There are many ways to access Netezza database or host. You can use the nzsql command, you can also access the Netezza system by using tools such as Aginity, Squirrel and from windows system using nzsql.exe program if you have Netezza ODBC drivers installed.

Access Netezza Database

Access Netezza Database using nzsql Command

You can use the nzsql command on the IBM Netezza host system or from a UNIX client system that can access the Netezza host. The client system should be configured with Netezza drivers in order to access the Netezza host.

Logon to Netezza database using nzsql

When you run the nzsql command on the Netezza host or client system which is configured with Netezza drivers, you must supply a valid Netezza host name, database account user name, password, and the name of the database to which you want to connect. You can also specify the schema to which you want to connect in case if you have multiple schemas.

Below is the example of accessing Netezza database using nzsql command:

nzsql -host hostname -db training -schema test -u user1 -pw password1 
Welcome to nzsql, the Netezza SQL interactive terminal.

Type: \h for help with SQL commands
 \? for help on internal slash commands
 \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
 \q to quit


You can read more about nzsql in other posts:

Access Netezza Database using Tools

There are many free and paid version of tools available to connect to Netezza. Popular tool includes Aginity Netezza workbench, WinSql, Squirrel SQL client. To use these tools, you must install the Netezza ODBC or JDBC drivers.

For more information on the Netezza query tools, read:

Netezza nzsql command line utility feature for windows is available from Netezza release 7.2.1. You have to download and install the client form IBM fix central.

One you have installed, go to installed folder and execute nzsql.exe program and then supply valid host name, database name, user name and password to connect to Netezza host.

Below is the example of accessing Netezza database from windows system:

C:\Users\vithal.sampagar\nzsql -host hostname -db training -u user1 -pw password1 
Welcome to nzsql, the IBM Netezza SQL interactive terminal.

Type: \h for help with SQL commands
 \? for help on internal slash commands
 \g or terminate with semicolon to execute query
 \q to quit